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There’s even a beautiful moral at the end: “Everybody knows that sluts are the coolest.” It’s true! But my favorite part of “Yum Yum Big Slurp” might be the totally serious, straight to camera breakdown towards the end where Michete declares: Like “Stupid Girl” last summer, the lyrics here are playful and some of the rhymes are unexpected (“Any time you ever get the itch let me help out / Down for whatever like a sellout / I can make you moan, make you scream, make you yell out / Skinny ass bitch, got a body like Bellsprout”).

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The video, directed by Sam Nulman and edited by Anthony Tocchio, finds Michete and a dozen or so LGBTQties dancing and kissing and pretending to eat each other out in some kind of nondescript nightlife setting tracked by the song from her mixtape Cool Tricks 3. But in her new music video for “Yum Yum Big Slurp,” the Seattle-based rapper finds a cure for all that hungry hungry horniness that ails you.

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You ever have that problem where you’re really hungry and really horny and you don’t know what to do?

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